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17 Years of Healing

  In 1996, the Board of County Commissioners agreed that a portion of the jails’ proceeds needed to be allocated to recovery services for crime survivors in the community and decided to allocate the funding from payphones in the jail to create a support agency. Commissioner Mary Johnson helped lead the charge for victims’ rights […]

My Journey With EMDR

By: VSC Client I would say that before starting this treatment it is essential to have your mental health in control. In my case, it took a few months before I started the EMDR therapy since it was a priority to stabilize my depression. EMDR was presented to me as the best alternative to approach […]


The social media world was rocked earlier this month. Actress Alyssa Milano encouraged survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment to post the hashtag “MeToo” to show the magnitude of the problem. The call-to-action was clear and made a resounding statement worldwide. The hashtag was tweeted nearly a million times in 48 hours and survivors […]

A Young Girl Seeks Justice

A Young Girl Seeks Justice Written by: Erin, VSC’s SANE Coordinator I joined the VSC team as a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) a little over a year ago. My first examination was for a 12 year old girl with autism who was being sexually abused by her father. I remember feeling such sadness for […]

VSC and SSC Come Together!

We are excited to announce that we have been selected as a Westgate Resorts Foundation grant recipient in partnership with our friends at Seminole State College (SSC)! Westgate challenged its existing 31 Central Florida grantees to collaborate to create innovative new ways to fulfill the Foundation’s mission of Strong Families | Strong Workforce. VSC’s Character Development Educator […]