Grooming: How Can We Protect Children From Online Grooming

With children being online more it can be difficult to know what is happening in the virtual world. These red flags may not mean that a child is experiencing online grooming however they could be indicators to check in and have a conversation.
A Letter from Rachel

My name is Rachel, and like far too many, I am a victim and survivor of a violent crime. You may remember hearing part of my story from this video, but there is so much more to my story. 11 years ago, a stranger broke into my home. After sexually assaulting me at gunpoint, he […]
I am Proud to be a Forensic Nurse

Imagine sitting in the crowded waiting room of the local hospital’s Emergency Department . Around the room you see children with fever or crying of pain, others with lacerations needing to be sutured, some holding ice packs on their sprains, strains or possible fractures and ambulances bringing life-threatening injuries or conditions needing to be seen quickly. […]
VSC as a Link of Support to Community Leaders
Victim Service Center (VSC) and other community agencies partnered to exchange valuable information focused in the assessment, support and tools dedicated to individuals of the community, involved in a crisis situation related to Domestic Violence (DV) or Sexual Violence (SV). The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) report of 2013, indicated 108,030 domestic violence incidents […]
17 Years of Healing
In 1996, the Board of County Commissioners agreed that a portion of the jails’ proceeds needed to be allocated to recovery services for crime survivors in the community and decided to allocate the funding from payphones in the jail to create a support agency. Commissioner Mary Johnson helped lead the charge for victims’ rights […]
My Journey With EMDR
By: VSC Client I would say that before starting this treatment it is essential to have your mental health in control. In my case, it took a few months before I started the EMDR therapy since it was a priority to stabilize my depression. EMDR was presented to me as the best alternative to approach […]

The social media world was rocked earlier this month. Actress Alyssa Milano encouraged survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment to post the hashtag “MeToo” to show the magnitude of the problem. The call-to-action was clear and made a resounding statement worldwide. The hashtag was tweeted nearly a million times in 48 hours and survivors […]
Thank you!
To our resilient community, When the worst tragedy occurred, you showed your steadfast support to aid those most in need. For that, we are eternally grateful. Our team was shocked and saddened by the senseless act of the Pulse shooting which took 49 lives, injured countless others, and destroyed our great community’s sense of peace […]
The Secondary Victim
Written by: David Sines, The Secondary Victim No one expects to receive a phone call like this… one that instantaneously turns your world completely upside down, chews it up, then spits it back out into a million pieces. For the rest of my life I will be able to pinpoint the exact location on the […]