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The social media world was rocked earlier this month. Actress Alyssa Milano encouraged survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment to post the hashtag “MeToo” to show the magnitude of the problem. The call-to-action was clear and made a resounding statement worldwide. The hashtag was tweeted nearly a million times in 48 hours and survivors […]

Thank you!

To our resilient community, When the worst tragedy occurred, you showed your steadfast support to aid those most in need. For that, we are eternally grateful. Our team was shocked and saddened by the senseless act of the Pulse shooting which took 49 lives, injured countless others, and destroyed our great community’s sense of peace […]

Tips for Enjoying the Holidays

Written by: Chelsea Mandes, VSC Victim Advocate Intern With holiday gatherings right around the corner, many people may find that their expectations for a good time as well as their anxiety regarding the people, places, and topics that may or may not present themselves can seemingly cripple a person’s ability to enjoy what are supposed […]

A Former Client Gives Back

A Letter to the Victim Service Center August 2015 I am writing to express my sincerest gratitude to the Victim Service Center of Central Florida and most particularly, my Therapist, Theresa. I would be remiss if I did not take the time to say “Thank You!” Theresa proved to be God-sent to me during a […]