Grooming: How Can We Protect Children From Online Grooming

With children being online more it can be difficult to know what is happening in the virtual world. These red flags may not mean that a child is experiencing online grooming however they could be indicators to check in and have a conversation.
National Suicide Prevention Month-What You Need to Know

by Natalia Richards, Rollins College Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate Student September is National Suicide Prevention Month! A month of sharing, educating, advocating and promoting suicide prevention awareness. Facts about Suicide Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, which makes it a serious public health problem. Suicide is the second-leading cause of […]
VSC as a Link of Support to Community Leaders
Victim Service Center (VSC) and other community agencies partnered to exchange valuable information focused in the assessment, support and tools dedicated to individuals of the community, involved in a crisis situation related to Domestic Violence (DV) or Sexual Violence (SV). The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) report of 2013, indicated 108,030 domestic violence incidents […]
My Journey With EMDR
By: VSC Client I would say that before starting this treatment it is essential to have your mental health in control. In my case, it took a few months before I started the EMDR therapy since it was a priority to stabilize my depression. EMDR was presented to me as the best alternative to approach […]
The Silent Victim
Hi, I’m JoAnn, a silent victim. My husband was a victim of an attempted murder at his place of employment by a disgruntle ex-coworker who ended up stabbing him in his head with a pair of scissors. During his outpatient therapies, his speech therapist asked me if I was taking care of myself and talking […]

The social media world was rocked earlier this month. Actress Alyssa Milano encouraged survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment to post the hashtag “MeToo” to show the magnitude of the problem. The call-to-action was clear and made a resounding statement worldwide. The hashtag was tweeted nearly a million times in 48 hours and survivors […]
The Intersection Between Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence

The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Written by: Orialis, VSC Crisis Counselor Many victims are in an intimate relationship with their abuser. Sexual assault and domestic violence exist within the scope of oppression. It is how a perpetrator abuses power and control over a victim. A perpetrator can use a variety of violent […]
Social Media Safety Tips

What to do when you’re a victim of crime… DO NOT: delete the perpetrator(s) and their related 3rd parties [friends, family] off of social media sites as they may contact you and provide more evidence for your case DO NOT: respond to contact from perpetrator(s) and their related 3rd parties, including texts, in-app messages, e-mails, […]
Thank you!
To our resilient community, When the worst tragedy occurred, you showed your steadfast support to aid those most in need. For that, we are eternally grateful. Our team was shocked and saddened by the senseless act of the Pulse shooting which took 49 lives, injured countless others, and destroyed our great community’s sense of peace […]
“Inside Out” Healing

Spring Women’s Empowerment Workshop The Internal Family When I first saw the Disney movie: Inside Out, I was amazed. The core principles of mental health, healing, and internal dialogue were perfectly captured! With all the movies these days misrepresenting what therapy is and how healing occurs, I was pleasantly surprised to see these concepts displayed […]