Start a fundraiser for yourself in World

Nostrud tem exrcitation duis laboris nisi ut aliquip sed duis aute cupidata con proident sunt culpa.
Start a fundraiser for yourself in World

Nostrud tem exrcitation duis laboris nisi ut aliquip sed duis aute cupidata con proident sunt culpa.
Start a fundraiser for yourself in World

Nostrud tem exrcitation duis laboris nisi ut aliquip sed duis aute cupidata con proident sunt culpa.
VSC and SSC Come Together!

We are excited to announce that we have been selected as a Westgate Resorts Foundation grant recipient in partnership with our friends at Seminole State College (SSC)! Westgate challenged its existing 31 Central Florida grantees to collaborate to create innovative new ways to fulfill the Foundation’s mission of Strong Families | Strong Workforce. VSC’s Character Development Educator […]