A Young Girl Seeks Justice

A Young Girl Seeks Justice Written by: Erin, VSC’s SANE Coordinator I joined the VSC team as a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) a little over a year ago. My first examination was for a 12 year old girl with autism who was being sexually abused by her father. I remember feeling such sadness for […]
VSC and SSC Come Together!

We are excited to announce that we have been selected as a Westgate Resorts Foundation grant recipient in partnership with our friends at Seminole State College (SSC)! Westgate challenged its existing 31 Central Florida grantees to collaborate to create innovative new ways to fulfill the Foundation’s mission of Strong Families | Strong Workforce. VSC’s Character Development Educator […]
Lui’s Letter- August 2017
The issue of sexual violence has been making its way to the forefront of the media with high profile cases like Taylor Swift. Whether there is an increase in the number of assaults or the attention surrounding the issue of sexual violence has prompted survivors to come forward, we are experiencing a rise in the number […]